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GBV Data

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Graphical Reports

Disclaimer: The following real time data from our database on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is based solely on information collected within the geographical scope of Addis Ababa. The findings, statistics, and conclusions presented in this graph analysis or any related materials are specific to the data collected within this area. Therefore, caution should be exercised when generalizing or extrapolating these results to other regions or populations. It is essential to conduct further studies and research to obtain a comprehensive understanding of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) at a national or broader level. The limitations and context-specific nature of the data should be considered when interpreting the findings or making policy decisions. Any actions or interventions based on this data should be done in consultation with relevant experts, local authorities, and organizations working in the field of gender-based violence.

Graph A: Victums gender.

Graph B: Incident location by region.

Graph C: Status of the case at the court at the time of data collectoin.

Graph D: Incident location by subcity/ zone.

Graph E: Incident magnitude by incident type.

Graph F: Place where the incidents occured.

Graph G: Victums by age group.

Graph H: Data collection center.